I thought it would be fun to post previous game jams I have participated in and tell something about them.
1st RPG Maker Horror Game Jam- “Murky Water”

This was the first game jam where I used RPGmaker to make a game. I have used RPGmaker since I was 13, so it was really fun to play around and create something different with the help of plugins and my ideas to make the game scary. The theme of the game jam was “dark reflection”, so I used the water reflection to show this creepy version of the main character which haunts her. The game jam was 1 month long (but I worked with Chefpocalypse at the same time).
I have gotten some really nice feedback about this game, so I will definitely continue working with the game when I have time again.
You can try the game here: https://morgis.itch.io/murky-water

Global Game Jam 2021- “Sorg”

You play as Glenn, a man who recently has lost his memories and is trying to puzzle together who he is and what has happened. The game takes place during a rainy night in Gothenburg, Sweden.
This has probably been the most ambitious game I’ve ever made with a group in a game jam. Our goal was to make the game as a tribute to the game Disco Elysium, and after having people trying out the game I can really say that we succeeded. We were 4 people working on the game, but we also had help with external voice actors, which was a real nice touch to the game. The game jam was during one weekend.
You can download the game here: https://globalgamejam.org/2021/games/sorg-8

Spooktober Jam 2020 – “One October Night”

This is the first game jam where I have made a game completely by myself, and it was a fun experience!
With using the Ren’py editor, it was quite easy to set up a new project, and I’ve learned some python scripting while making the game. The game was made during one week.
All the photos and some of the sound effects are borrowed from free to use websites, but I have made the music, some of the sound effects, the images and of course the story.
The story starts in the middle of a dark forest where you have to remember what happened at a party you went to and try to find your way out..
You can download the game here: https://morgis.itch.io/one-october-night

Haunted PS1 Summer of Screams 2020 – “Tracy’s Spooky Kart Challenge”

This short game was made together with the programmer Fredrick Johansson who was trying to build his own engine for this project.
We worked together with creating a game design document, and experimented with creating levels. I mainly worked with creating 3D art.
To try it out, click here: https://loopaware.itch.io/tracys-spooky-kart-challenge

Quarantine Jam 2020 – “Fight and Flight”

A cute multiplayer game made together with Robinerd. I made the art and Robinerd made the music and coding.
We had one month to finish the game.
You play as bats, and the goal is to jump on your opponent to get points. You control the bats with flapping the wings using only one button.
Try the game here: https://robinerd.itch.io/fight-and-flight
Global Game Jam 2020 – “Necrocream”

For Global Game Jam 2020, me and my friend Stedden made this game together, working from home this time, since I just had a terrible flu. The theme of the game jam was “Repair”, so the game’s goal is to repair the dead ice cream man, so he can make you ice cream.
The game is made in Unity, and is in 2.5D.
The game jam was during one weekend.
Climb platforms to retrive the missing body parts and bring them back to the ice cream man’s grave to win the game.
You can try the game here: https://globalgamejam.org/2020/games/necrocream-1

Trashy game jam 2019 – “Trashy Fighting”

This is the third time I’ve participated in Trashy Game Jam, which is a small and intense game jam where you only have 4 hours to make a game.
This time both my and Rolf who I worked with were 30 min late (lol) so we had even shorter time to set up anything, but in the end we made this cute fighting game. The fighting was more like hugging but that could also be a game concept….

Utopia game jam 2019 – “Noisebusters”

It was supposed to be “Utopia” and instead we made some kind of “Dystopia” game. You play as a raspberry character with a keytar, who must stop the factories from spreading toxic gas to make the people happy again.
This game was made together with Siri and Stedden.
The game jam was during one weekend.
Noisebusters was later used in a small event where people could show their homemade arcade games and let other people play them.

Retrospelsmässan Göteborg Jam 2019 – “Ritual VR”

This game was made for the Retrogame expo in Gothenburg 2019, and I worked together with David “LordDz” who coded the game.
It was David’s idea to make a game in VR, since he wanted to try it out.
The game jam was during one week.
In the game you stand on a forest planet and watch a ritual take place, glowing runes appears on the screen and you have to collect them all with using your VR joystick. You also have to turn around to find all the runes.

Global Game Jam 2019 – “Desperate House Birb”

For Global Game Jam 2019 we decided to make yet another birb game.
You play as a small bird who lives in a cozy house and has found a large egg that needs to hatch. But a dangerous pterodactyl is sneaking outside of the house and tries to catch the bird! So you have to make sure to get to safety before the pterodactyl gets you and try to keep the egg warm when you have the chance.
The game jam was during one weekend.
This game was made together with Stedden, David “LordDz”, Oscar F, Hyenameister and Elie.
You can try the game here: https://globalgamejam.org/2019/games/desperate-house-birb

More to come from past game jams….